Product Development Cycle: Optimizing the Stages

At their core, both these concepts emphasize creating cross-functional project teams and working in iterations. HubSpot took the customer data and user information gathered via their CRM tool and used it to identify areas where they could expand their product. A. Terrible design, poor user experience, improper implementation, complexity creep, and a lack of quality control are all contributory factors to new product failure.

It’s best to follow all the steps in the new product development process and then utilize the complete product development strategy. If you have a great product development process, you can effectively launch a great product. However, if you want to further improve the product’s chances of success, you can follow this product development strategy.

The product development team will hand the reins to the marketing team for the further product launch and NPD cycle. After this new product development process step, you can market your product over the concept and have a brand voice for your business. As new product development processes can quickly become a mess, it is essential to plan your idea and production before building your prototyping.

Key Stages Of New Product Development Process (+ Examples)

It also covers reviewing an existing product and introducing the old product to a new market. An NPD process is often considered the very first stage of the product life cycle, followed by the introduction, growth, maturity, and decline phases. It involves multiple business units, including product management and product development teams, and is coordinated with a product strategy. Agile product development processes, on the other hand, are increasingly more common because they can create new products that delight customers using fewer resources. The Agile approach relies on sprints, cycles that combine development with customer testing. Most all organizations that say they are Agile are really using Agile between major milestones to develop their products.

The NPD process can get complicated when you approach manufacturers and look for materials to concrete your concept, product design, and development. Product technical design and product roadmapintegrates the results of the feasibility analyses and feedback into the product. This includes research and development, finance, marketing, production and operations.

Test marketing may continue to enable the company to have the greatest success with the launch. Developed in part as a reaction to the stage-gate model, the lean startup movement focuses on fluid product iteration rather than regimented stages and steps. Depending on the newness of the product idea, it is sometimes unclear if the finer points of the product development strategy will be realized. Often product development starts out with a product manager realizing that the sales are lagging their forecasts because it is late in the product life cycle.

Organizations like Toyota have created incentive programs to encourage their employees to come up with viable ideas in this regard. Everything should be thoroughly researched and planned in the business sector. Preparing for the release of a new product should not be haphazard. Enlighten our tech experts about your breakthrough idea in an intensive session. CREATE THIS TEMPLATEConsider using a product brochure not to sell products but to educate. This is particularly useful if you are in an industry where consumers may be confused or uneducated about the offerings available.

Marketing Strategy

Whether you want to increase customer loyalty or boost brand perception, we’re here for your success with everything from program design, to implementation, and fully managed services. An ultimate guide to managing your data science project, top trends in product development helping you transform your data into customer insights. Learn how to effectively create a concrete action plan for your project and guide your team. Invite your cross-functional team into the brainstorming and ideation stage.

Software development can do these tests earlier because of the relative ease of creating realistic user interfaces. In this stage, the initial design work would show technical feasibility. Sometimes mockups are used to obtain early feedback on product market fit. These mockups can be primitive, for example paper prototypes are commonly used to get early feedback from test marketing. For breakthrough products, the team may consider simulations to get user feedback.

product development process

Many official institutions provide access to their datasets for free. By focusing on existing data sources, you can try to extrapolate or cross-reference market numbers to build up a quantitative view of the market for your specific product. It does not have to be precise, as long as your hypotheses are clear and credible.

New Product Development Process Steps | 2023 Guide | TCGen

Adapting to change at every stage of the product development cycle – from ideation to continual improvement – is not as difficult as it may seem. We have studied product development life cycle stages with examples of successful company products. Product development process stages help the manager and his team to simplify the work and divide responsibilities among them. Many fields like the digital product development process and automotive product development process have adopted this concept and found success in generating income. Below we will discuss the phases of new product development, some product development examples , and concept development strategies.

product development process

As one of the most popular marketing and sales automation platforms on the market, HubSpot shows us how to build a vertical product at scale. They started out as a customer relationship management tool but now have features for marketers, salespeople, and customer support. With the various types of tasks required across these departments, HubSpot needs to understand a lot of different types of people.

What is the importance of product development?

That’s how the entrepreneurs verified the existence of customers ready to use this new type of service. However, it took them another two years to perfect their concept before they could raise first funding ($20,000) from investors. In the following sections, we’ll explain exactly how these and other risks are addressed at each step of the product development process. Whichever your process is, your planning stage should’ve helped you identify how your product development will go.

If you were able to involve engineers and designers early in the process, then the development team will understand your product vision. As a result, everything will go much more smoothly despite the inevitable delays and compromises. One of my best product managers would schedule a day and provide a brief summarizing the customer, market, and problem but no solution. By now, you’ll have finalized the design of your product and tested it rigorously and constructed a robust marketing plan — not just for the launch of your product, but for its ongoing promotion. This is the final stage of your product development and revolves around making a success of it. This kind of business analysis will help to determine if your product idea is worth the financial investment — and time.

Examples of such solutions are the infinite virtual whiteboard Miro, the intuitive mind mapping app iMindQ, and mind map editor for brainstorming MindMeister. Often, idea management applications also offer tools for basic idea evaluation. You may make multiple prototypes and go back and forth between this stage and the testing stage before you have a finalized prototype.

When several users signed up to stay in the founders’ home, they knew they had a viable product idea. These are manufacturing facilities that specialize in processing raw materials and producing food and beverage products at scale. Rather than make the product, some fashion and apparel businesses choose print on demand to produce their clothing in the beginning. Print-on-demand allows you to upload designs to a third-party app that connects your store with a warehouse and screen-printing facility. When an order is placed online, your design is printed on an existing stock of t-shirts, sweaters, or various other items on offer, creating a finished product without the need to design the entire garment.

Launch the product

Each of these departments plays an essential role in the NPD process. The improved balance between resources and workload alleviated many stresses in the development organization. The queues were indeed shorter, but project leaders were still eager to push their projects to the front of the line. The project manager, Claire Chen, was working with a customer who was under great time pressure. When Chen tried to accelerate the schedule by pleading with the engineers and technicians, they refused.

Got a Project in Mind? Get Started Now.

Before receiving a final sample product, it usually takes multiple prototypes to be produced. Every prototype that is produced will be tested thereafter to see if the final specifications have been met. When a group of individuals or a single team brainstorms, they produce many ideas without evaluating the outcomes.

If they had looked more closely at the variation in the total workload, however, they would have found that behind this annual average lay week-to-week fluctuations ranging from 80% to 150%. If those managers had reduced their planned average utilization rate to 80%, they could have reduced development times by 30% or more. Companies around the world have reduced cycle times in their factories by studying each step in the manufacturing process and fluctuations in workloads for ways to reduce variation and eliminate bottlenecks. The product development process can be streamlined in much the same way. Notice how most projects reside simultaneously in several departments in various stages of completion (e.g., engineering and technical services are working on a prototype, while marketing completes its plan).

Managers had not paid much attention to these informal but highly effective practices. The task force members concluded that this sharing of tasks was preventing even longer delays in product development. Finally, a process management approach can help reduce variability in the way specific jobs are executed. The benefits from eliminating rework cycles and abnormally long steps are often disproportionately large because those sources of variability delay not only the project in question but all projects under way. By replacing project management with process management, you exploit similarities across project tasks through standardization and continuous improvement—without destroying creativity.